Dr. Forstner was chair of the Cancer Committee until it dissolved and participated in the Medical Executive Board at Banner Thunderbird Hospital from 2008-2017. She is an adjunct professor for AT Still University and trained PA students for this school and for Midwestern. She is a Fellow of the American College of Surgeons and American Society of Colon and Rectal Surgeons. Dr. Forstner is also a member of the Society of American Gastrointestinal Endoscopic Surgeons. She is on staff at hospitals in Phoenix, Glendale, and Peoria. Dr. Forstner ran a Nicaraguan charity called “Por Ellos” for 10 years until civil war disrupted it, now she spends what free time she has traveling, serving in her church’s women’s ministry and hiking.

Adrienne Forstner-Barthell
MD, FACS, FASCRS Board Certified Colon And Rectal Surgeon
Advanced Laparoscopic Surgery & Robotic Surgery
Dr. Forstner is a board-certified colon and rectal surgeon, who founded a thriving female colon and rectal practice after returning to the Val- ley in 2006. She received training at Mayo Clinic Scottsdale after attending medical school at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, MN, and received her special- ized surgical training with the Colon and Rectal Clinic of Orlando. She spent most of her career focused on anorectal as well as robotic and laparoscopic or minimally invasive surgical approaches to cancer. She helped to bring to the valley a revolutionary minimally invasive approach to rectal cancer resection, called Transanal Endoscopic Microsurgery. She now focuses just on diagnostic and screening colonoscopies and treats all forms of benign colon and anorectal disease – including anal pain, nutrition/IBS issues, diverticulitis, hemorrhoids, fissure, fistulas, fecal incontinence, rectocele, rectal prolapse and constipation. She continues to pursue cutting edge approaches to issues such as the sacral nerve stimulator for fecal incontinence.
Colon Cancer Awareness Month
Radio Interview With Dr. Forstner & Dr. Makarawo On Health Futures
To Listen To Dr. Forstner And Dr. Makarawo’s Radio Interview On 105.3FM Or 1510AM, Please Click On The Youtube Play Button. In This Radio Interview They Discuss Colon Cancer, Colonoscopies And Prevention, Polyps, Da Vinci Assisted Surgery And Many More Colon Cancer Related Topics On The “Health Futures” Show! The “Health Futures” Show Is Hosted By Bob Roth And With March Being Colon Cancer Awareness Month; Bob Invited Both Dr. Forstner And Dr. Makarawo On To His Show To Help His Audience Become More Educated And Aware Of How Preventable Colon Cancer Is. This Is Definitely Not A Show You Want To Miss!
Source: Health Futures / Cypress Home Care Solutions